
Missions Team

The Loveland Christian Church Missions Team exists to extend the church’s role in fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) by supporting Christian missionaries or agencies to evangelize lost souls and to teach Christian maturity.

Below is a list of some of the missions LCC supports.

Joshua and Victoria Baah-Binney in Ghana Africa

Joshua and Victoria Baah-Binney


Joshua and Victoria Baah-Binney were born in Ghana, West Africa. They have been ministering to others for over 20 years. They moved to the United States to complete their education before returning to Africa to continue their ministry. Joshua received his Master of Divinity degree from Cincinnati Christian University and his Doctor of Ministry degree from Ashland Theological Seminary. Victoria received her Master of Arts degree from Cincinnati Christian University and her Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Cincinnati.


Their life-changing work in Africa includes:

  • Helping to establish new churches in Ghana, Togo, Benin, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and the DR Congo.
  • Offering mentoring and seminars for church leadership and counseling to both church and traditional village leaders.
  • Supporting community development in various forms - providing boreholes, free health screenings, and small-scale business opportunities.
  • Supporting an orphanage in Kumasi and providing support to widows in the area.

Woodland Lakes Christian Camp and Retreat Center


Woodland Lakes Christian Camp is a retreat center and a camp for day camps and week-long camps for children and teens. At camp, there are Bible studies, singing, prayer time, recreation time and meals in the dining hall. Recreation time has many activities which could include water sports, climbing wall, archery, a giant swing, a ropes course, swimming and more. Camp counselors help each group of youth campers to learn to follow Jesus and how to live a Christian Life that pleases God. At camp, you can make new friends, have fun outside and learn more about Jesus and the Bible.



Operation Christmas Child

The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations. Operation Christmas Child delivers great joy and the Good News of Jesus Christ to children in need around the world through gift-filled shoeboxes. Each box packed full of quality toys, school supplies, and personal care items becomes a tangible expression of God's immense love for the child. For many, it is their first gift ever! Delivered by our local church partners, shoebox gifts provide an opportunity to present the Gospel to boys and girls in a clear, child-friendly way.

NEST Community Learning Center

NEST (Nutrition, Education, Safety, Transformation)

Community Learning Center is a unique non-profit organization aiming to break the generational cycle of poverty in suburban and rural communities in Eastern Cincinnati. Our mission is to address academic and non-academic barriers perpetuating poverty and provide at-risk school-age children with sound Nutrition and targeted Education in a Safe neighborhood environment to Transform their future outcomes. Our programs foster student-school-parent-community relationships to improve outcomes for children. We offer nutritious lunches during the summer months and healthy snacks during the school year, targeted tutoring services to close the academic gap, homework help in a safe, caring environment within the neighborhood, referrals to support resources for children and their families, and organized outdoor sports and activities. 


Mischpachah is a team of teenagers and adults who work hard to learn and present a play about teenagers with real-life problems. The play teaches the teenagers in the audience there is help in friends, parents, and church leaders. Also, the play teaches that Jesus is real and Christians should reach out and help troubled teens. Counselors are there after the Play to talk with teens or anyone who wants help with a problem in life. Parents and adults help lead the teens who present the play locally and also travel to other cities to share the good news of Jesus.

Sewing to Serve

Sewing to Serve is a group of ladies from our church who meet together regularly to sew baby quilts that they then give to a local group that helps new mothers learn to take care of their babies.

Loveland Interfaith Effort (LIFE) Food Pantry


Since 1988, the Loveland Interfaith Effort (LIFE) Food Pantry has been serving the Greater Loveland community by providing food and support for those less fortunate. They currently provide much-needed food to hundreds of families, stock snack shelves at the local schools for qualifying children, and even financial assistance for those in dire need.


Ways you can help:

  • Donating food and other household products, as well as funds to assist families.
  • Food Pantry Volunteering - assisting with the distribution of food and helping families
  • Donation Pick Up - picking up food from local businesses and delivering it to the pantry
  • Weekend Bags - providing food to children and their families in the Loveland City School District for weekends and extended breaks
  • Volunteer - volunteering with the numerous seasonal programs throughout the year
  • Community Garden - helping with the community garden located at Prince of Peace church, which gives at least 10% of the produce to LIFE Food Pantry

Team Members will be baptized believers as described in Acts 2:38. They believe that the Bible is God’s inerrant Word as stated in II Timothy 3:16-17 and members of the Loveland Christian Church. They display a healthy growing spiritual life, have a passion for missions, and take the time to carry out the responsibility of the team.

Goals of the Missions Team are to select missions to be supported with the approval from the Elders. They develop a budget or amount to be given to each mission and financially support designated mission/agencies for the established time frame. They also oversee the accountability of the missions/agencies to the Loveland Christian Church.

The Missions Team is responsible for educating the church about each of the supported missions. They are also responsible for developing and implementing policies and procedures, which provide consistency in administering mission funds and providing encouragement to the missionaries.